Sunday, September 25, 2005

Gas Shortages in Georgia

I just heard on the news that the Governor of Georiga is closing school on Monday and Tuesday to save gas. Are we really in that much of dire straits? That puts parents in a bad position-now they have to arrange child care or skip a day of work.

Let's focus on car pooling, getting more people to use public transportation or allowing people to telecommute or do a 4 day flex schedule would be more cost effective than closing down school for 2 days. Let's focus on conserving energy.

Next time we are going to hear that North Dakota it is too expensive for kids to go to school during the winter.

Enjoy your savings.


Frugal Momma said...

Hi there! I just stumbled upon your blog today and noticed that we have a lot in common, I am also a SAHM to three boys (well actually just 21-month old twins at the moment but the 3rd baby boy is due in 1.5 weeks). I am just at the beginning of our financial journey but look forward to what lies ahead. I've bookmarked your blog--happy savings! :)

Lapierre Médias© said...

Hi from Canada
your blog is very interesting!