Sunday, January 15, 2006

Homemade cleaning solution

All Purpose Spray Cleaner

1 pint rubbing alcohol
1 tbsp dishwashing detergent
1 tbsp household ammonia(
1 tbsp vinegar

Put in gallon jug, top off with warm water and shake gently. Pour into a spray bottle and start cleaning.

This is a good solution to put in those clorex and swiffer mops.

Enjoy your savings!


Wendy C. said...

OK - I'm inspired! I keep avoiding making a weekly meal plan, even though I know it will make my life easier (and save tons of $$) So, now I am just going to do it and stop whining about it! We already used up our "one dinner out per month" on Friday, and last night we used February! Ugh! If only I had some sort of affection for my kitchen...

Admin said...

Meal planning has been very helpfu to keep my food budget within reasonable guidelines. We do have a 1 time a month eating out rule-sometimes it is more.
