Thursday, September 27, 2007

Dave Ramsey Radical or Common sense

I brought up Dave Ramsey on a women message board as a recommendation for someone who hit rock bottom and I was told that his thoughts are too radical and extreme.

While I can understand some of the ideas, like writing everything down, emergency funds, etc. etc., I don't understand why people go to extremes to get their financial house in order. His ideas are completely unrealistic. Or even need to get out of debt- getting out of debt is completely radical idea. You need credit cards to survive today. Who could even buy a car today paying 100% cash.

I don't agree with 100% that Dave says, but his first 3 baby steps have helped thousands of people get out of debt. Dave Ramsey isn't radical at all. People think he's radical, but it's just plain old common sense. It's the way people lived in the 40's and 50's. and somewhere along the way we've been taught that we nee d to get credit cards, finance or lease cars. We expect everything NOW because we DESERVE it, as opposed to actually saving up and earning it.


Mom of 3 said...

That is just so sad that people believe that credit cards are needed in order to survive. My dh and I have been doing Dave Ramsey for almost 6 months now. We've paid off $27k in debt and have said NO MORE to credit cards. I think the most important a lot of Americans have trouble doing is say "no" to themselves and stop buying "stuff".

Ironman 70.3 said...

Wow, very interesting post. I pay for everything cash and its not just because of Dave Ramsey. To be honest with you I just don't like being bothered by paying bills. It's much easier to pay cash and write a check. I do have a credit card but I spend over $20k in business expenses which gets paid off every month. Why do you think you DESERVE everything NOW?

Admin said...

Congrats Mom of 3 on paying off 27k of cc debt!

Mary Ann said...

It's the people in debt that think he is too radical.:-)But really everyone who rolls against the flow of society instead of with it is considered radical.:-) We really like his no-nonsense approach. We were considered strange by my husband's parents for not using credit cards and wanting to pay cash for a car until they recently took the Financial Peace University at their church. Now they are completely on board with getting out of debt and wish they had known all this years ago!

Admin said...

MaryAnn as Dave says weird. I rather like being weird! I know I am not shoping and spending money because I think I have to.

Tricia said...

We are in our 5th week of Financial Peace University and LOVING every minute of it!!

We have never had a credit care...EVER!


Mom2fur said...

As someone who's trying to get out of debt (medical bills, not frivolity...long story), I can't understand why people feel they must use credit for everything. I try my best to pay cash for stuff now. Sure, sometimes I have to use credit...but I try my best not to. Have you seen those commercials where all life seems to stop because someone is using cash to buy something? Like a bagel or a pot of flowers? Like cash is the enemy? Drives me nuts!!!! And credit cards for fast food...geesh. If I can't dig up enough in my pocket, or my car's console, for the dollar menu, I'll do without. I'm not so far from home that I can't wait five minutes to go there to eat, LOL!

joyfuljourney said...

We can't always assume that someone is putting small purchases (fast food, a bagel, or a pot of flowers) on a credit card just because they use a card to purchase. Many times they are actually using a debit card - which Dave Ramsey supports.

I agree that he is not radical. He provides great common sense for a culture in desperat need of common sense!