Sunday, November 04, 2007

Cheap Dinner Planning 11/4

I am really trying to keep a pantry challenge the next few weeks. Money is fairly tight since my husband will not be getting a commission check this month. And with Christmas coming up we are really living paycheck to paycheck.

Sunday Steak, french fries , green beans. Steak is always bought marked down-you can get very good meals this way

Mon My 8 yr old is cooking... part of cub scout challenge chicken pasta and veggies

Tues Chili talk about a great pantry challenge meal!

Wed Chicken drumsticks, potatoes Got the chicken for 39 cents a lb

Thurs Ground beef with a hamburger helper mix that I picked up

Fri Clean out the fridge night....

Sat Homemade pizza

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

a delicous meal plan--I don't know how you do it :) Great job.