Thursday, November 22, 2007

What I am thankful for?

I am up early cooking today all the veggies that I am bringing over to my mother in laws. I wanted to share what I am thankful for:

Being a child of God
Being a Mom to 3 wonderful boys
Being a wife to the best husband in the world
Living in my own home with no sense of fear that I will lose it
Living my large extended family
Living in a country that gives us freedom.

I have been very blessed in my life!

For flowers that bloom about our feet;
For tender grass, so fresh, so sweet;
For song of bird, and hum of bee;
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee.

For blue of stream and blue of sky;
For pleasant shade of branches high;
For fragrant air and cooling breeze;
For beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in heaven, we thank Thee.

~~Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882

May all who share these gifts today
Be blessed by Thee, we humbly pray.

What God gives and what we take
'Tis a gift for Christ his sake;

Be the meal of beans or peas,
God be thanked for those and these;

Have we flesh or have we fish,
All are fragments from His dish.

~~Robert Herrick 1591-1674

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