Thursday, April 07, 2005

Make your own baby wipes

Make your own baby wipes is way to cut down on the baby costs. I don't use this all the time (I get lazy) but when I am running low and wish not to make a run to Walmart (which has the cheapest baby wipes BTW). I still got two in diapers and we got through lots of wipes.

1/2 roll of paper towels (Bounty or Brawney works best)
2 tbls of baby oil
2 tbls of baby bath
2 cups of water
Cut roll of paper towells in half, remove center cardboard, mix liquid ingredients, pour on top of paper towels,

Place in large container with lid.

FREE stuff for any Mother or Father-to-be!

Enjoy your saving!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some things you really do not think and yet they are so simple! Loved the idea, thanks. Bloggingburt