Monday, September 04, 2006

Getting back to basics

My husband called me one day this past week that the majority of admin staff was laid off. My husband's dept sales wasn't affected but he will have to do alot more of his own paperwork now.

Well while we have an ok emergency fund that would last us several months, the thought of my husband losing his job is one of biggest fears. Even though his job maybe safe for now, we don't know in the future.

1. Eating out has increased. I will be using my recipes again to get into the right mix. I will also buy some frozen

2. Increase the allocation directly to emergency savings by $100 a pay period. This all comes down to the little extra that we are spending here and there.

3. I need to stop slacking off and get the few new websites that I had promised to be done in July done. Plus I need to get writing here more. :)

4. Cut out the out of town October weekend trip and stay at home. Savings atleast $500.

Hopefully we won't have to deal with a layoff in the future but here are some good additionals tips if we did.
How to deal with a job layoff?


MultipleMum said...

Very good plans to curb the spending. It must be a bit scary in the US with all the economical changes. I hope your husband is still gainfully employed. Thanks for Rewinding x

Admin said...

actually he was laid off in 2009 but we have been good. We saved up some money and he started a local business.