Saturday, March 04, 2006

Pantry Challenge week 2

This was the second week of my pantry challenge and I didn't do too well. My goal wasn't to spend more than $30 but I spent over $50. I got an good deal on ground beef and bought some extra snacks type food for cub scout. I wouldn't have bought the ground beef but I am going to make meatballs and freeze them for my sons' birthday party next week.

I am off the pantry challenge next week but will try to not keep stocking up unless it is a really good deal.


mbhunter said...

My wife and I have a do-not-buy list posted prominently next to the pantry -- for stuff that we already have way too much of.

Catherine at Frugal Homemaker Plus said...

Don't beat yourself up too much! You're doing great.If you got a good deal of the beef and it was something you were going to need soon anyway, it is better to buy it now. You spent 50 dollars this week instead of more next week for the meat you needed anyway. Maybe next week you can spend less (or nothing!) because you bought meat this week. Keep it up!