Friday, July 29, 2005

Grocery saving tips

1. I make a weekly meal plan. I do usually post it on my blog if you want some menu ideas. My menu does include leftovers. So if we are in a rush easier to handle and less expensive than the drive threw.

2. I watch sales prices very carefully. I keep a pricebook. A pricebook will keep in mind of what on sale and when. For example, I buy boneless chicken breast on sale for never $1.99 a lb. I tend to stock up a bit on them because I refuse to pay the normal price of $4.00 a lb for them.

3. Make homemade! This will probably be your biggest money saver. Have you seen those Banquet quick meals... almost $5.00 for a box. I can make most of them homemade for 1/2 that price and get a second meal out of it.

4. Garden season is coming up... nothing like fresh tomatos and lettuce coming from your own garden.

5. Dont be a brand snob. Use coupons or buy generic. I find most generic things are just as good as the national brand. In fact most of the generic items are made by the same company.