Thursday, June 14, 2007

Summer vacation begins

Today is our first offical day of summer vacation. I thought they would sleep in late already today, but not all all. We have already been bike riding as it is a little too cold for swimming this morning. I want to do as many free activities as possible over the summer since Disney is a lot of money for us this summer.

We use our library alot over the summer-borrowing books or videos. They have a lot of story type hours.

One thing that has always worked well for us is creating a playgroup. I did this with children from my oldest's preschool group and now again with my other boys. We do scheduled times at local playgrounds once a week. There are about 15 families who are received schedules and no one is obligated to come. It gives the kids a chance for the kids to play with their school friends as well parents to connect. Most of the moms in the group are either stay at home moms or work part-time so are looking to keep the budget in check as well.

Find cheap summer fun ideas ofr the kids

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