Monday, February 11, 2013

How to save money on razor blades for men

I know I’m not the only person that’s shocked each and every time I buy razors for my husband. How is a four pack of my favorite razors cost   nearly $25?  of course, I want my man to be have a nice shaven face when he goes to work.  Stubble doesn't work for his type of business.  

Dollar Shave Club sends high-quality razors to your door for $1/month When Dollar Shave Club’s catchy video went viral earlier this year, I was listening. Everyone wants to pay less for those disposable razor cartridges – but only if they work 

How It Works

First, you sign up for a Dollar Shave Club subscription. Choose the type of razor you want (there are three different levels and price points) and you’ll get automatic shipments of fresh cartridges sent to you through the mail every month. New members get a free razor handle, shipping on your monthly order is always free. 

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