Monday, January 14, 2008

Frugal Five Meet Shelley

Shelley is a frugal mom with 5 kids ranging from 16 to 2 years old from PA.

What is your financial life?

I am a stay at home mom to 5 kids and have a great husband that I have been married for 17 years. Living on one income has been a challenge and we've struggled a lot along the way. We do have a mortgage and believe in paying cash. Things are ok now and I'd like to keep them that way and "save for a rainy day" While I don't believe in using credit cards, I have never really saved money.

What is your budget buster?

Feeding 3 teenage boys! They eat eat and eat! I am always looking for healthy and filling recipes.

What is your favorite money saving tip?

If you are ca not afford it, don't buy it.

If you had an extra $1000 what would you do with it?

I would put it towards my rainy day fund.

What is your best resource for frugal living?

I am always searching for recipes online is very helpful in helping me do my dinner planning. I also belong to a budgeting yahoo group that helps me keep things in check.

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