Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I am tired of being frugal

Yes I said it!

I am tired of clipping coupons, making meal plans and doing a budget! I feel sort of like my frugal mojo is gone. Frugality is not a necessity for us but more of a choice!!

It doesn't help that my husband is out there interviewing for another job and a few of them would be doubling our income if he got one and took them.

I have been dreaming what we could do with all the extra money each month!! Everything from annual
 Disney World  vacation  to adding a second level on and even paying off our mortgage.


Alison said...

i know how you feel!! I hope your husband gets an offer :)

Kell said...

Cheer up, momma! Perhaps once you have paid off the house and renovated, the need for frugality will disappear and you can relax a little?

Admin said...

The house won't be paid off for year-we are only 10 years into a 30 year mortgage. Nice to dream.

One job my husband was interviewing with for sales was for no base salary at all. He went in to spend a morning with the current sales reps and he didn't like the vibe of the company. If they offer him the job, he will be not be taking it. Luckily right now he does have a decent job but the company is being very cheap right now and many months we are living only on his base salary-hardly any commission because the company cut down how they pay comission .

Anonymous said...

Hi Frugal Momma,
Have you heard about Financial Peace? Check out It will revolutionize how you think about finances!

SAHM of 3 trying to live on one income